Debunking top disaster recovery myths: Essential insights for businesses

As businesses embrace digital transformation, the specter of disasters looms larger than ever. Cyberattacks, system failures, and natural disasters are no longer rare occurrences but rather everyday challenges that organizations must confront. However, amidst these challenges, numerous myths and misconceptions about disaster recovery persist. Myth 1: Disaster recovery is only necessary for large corporations News […]

Forget these disaster recovery myths

Disaster recovery (DR) isn’t what it used to be. Long gone are the days when a DR solution cost over a hundred thousand dollars and relied predominantly on tape backups. Cloud computing has dramatically changed the DR landscape. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions about DR. Here are a few of the myths that no […]

Common cloud computing misunderstandings

Setting up an IT infrastructure for a small business can be an intimidating and costly venture. Fortunately, cloud computing has given companies affordable and flexible solutions to deal with rapidly advancing technological demands. However, for the small business owner, there are still many common misunderstandings about using cloud services. Here are a few ways some […]