Learning about virtualization licenses

Whether you only need a dozen, or a hundred, the process of deciding on and acquiring software licenses can be very frustrating. Many of us had hoped that cloud computing and virtualization would alleviate some of these headaches. Unfortunately, we’re not there yet, which is why it’s important to understand all of your licensing options […]

How Virtualization helps with DR

When most people think of Disaster Recovery, the idea of Virtualization is likely far from mind. However, these two IT services are more closely related than the average business owner thinks. Virtualization can actually serve as Disaster Recovery Solution. Here’s a breakdown of how it does just that, and a few pointers to keep in […]

Should you virtualize your business?

Upgrading your hardware is an incredibly long, arduous and costly process. Fortunately, virtualization has become a popular, affordable and flexible solution to upgrade your network. However, before you start investing in virtualized systems, it’s important to consider the benefits and costs that come with this solution. Here are a few advantages and factors to consider […]