VoIP redefines business calling

Traditional mobile calling plans may not be heading the way of the dodo bird quite yet, but there is a viable threat to their existence. The challenge comes from VoIP, and while it’s only in its nascent stages, it is foreshadowing a dark future for Telecoms’ costly monthly plans, sometimes spotty call quality, confusing invoices, […]

The latest WordPress release fixes major issues

Although WordPress is more secure than it used to be, outdated installations can be a potential threat to your website and the data that is hosted on the servers. In an attempt to shut down hackers before they can exploit vulnerabilities, the WordPress security team recently rolled out a new version that patches security loopholes […]

Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

Picture yourself receiving a phone call from kidnappers saying that they have snatched your only child while demanding a ridiculous amount of money for their safety. Now imagine a similar scenario, but this attack is geared towards Microsoft Office 365 users, complete with a ransom note and an audio message informing victims that their files […]

Bloatware elimination in two simple clicks

If the name wasn’t clear enough, ‘bloatware’ is unnecessary manufacturer software that comes preloaded on new hardware. Just about no one likes it, and now Microsoft is giving us a tool to trim the fat. It may seem like small potatoes to anyone who hasn’t spent an afternoon removing apps one by one, but for […]

Instagram and its corporate benefits

“Double-tapping” is a phrase used to describe the liking of photos on Instagram, as a business you’d want to get as many double-taps as you can, but how? Should you invest in buying followers or start an excavation project in search of the genie lamp your parents buried in the backyard? Before breaking out the […]

Prominent virtualization options for SMBs

Keeping up with tech trends as a small or medium-sized business owner is tough. Virtualization may be a great example of this, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Between the boost to network security and ability to scale your workstations and servers according to your business growth, it’s time to start learning a little more […]

Squarespace upgrades their ecommerce tools

If the longevity of a content management system’s (CMS) history is an important factor for you, Squarespace is one of the first and oldest. If ecommerce and analysis is an even bigger factor, they’re definitely for you. With their announcement and demonstration last week, Squarespace solidified itself as an excellent choice for SMBs focusing on internet-driven […]

Effective online reputation marketing tools

You can easily measure any celebrity’s success by one thing: their reputation. Celebs with questionable track records tend to star in less movies and make less money. This same notion can be applied to your company. By investing in the creation of a well-liked and interactive online reputation, the chances of skyrocketing towards success is […]

NBA team latest victim of spoofed email

For some NBA fans, the Milwaukee Bucks have long been a laughingstock on court. However, their most recent loss is no laughing matter. According to Yahoo! Sports, last month a team employee unknowingly sent out names, addresses, Social Security numbers, compensation information and dates of birth of players to a spoofed email account operated by […]